Help the Kiwanis Club win $$ for a splash pad!

Help the Kiwanis Club win $$ for a splash pad!

The Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant is in the running to help Point receive $50k towards a splash pad! Please read:

Let's see if we can put a splash pad in Point Pleasant! VOTE NOW--vote daily thru 3/17 to help Kiwanis Club of Point Pleasant, NJ win $50,000 to put a splash pad.

This project has NOT been launched with the town, so please don't barrage them with calls/emails--nothing is set in stone or even pencil. We are hoping to coordinate with town officials to put it in Point Boro in the FUTURE...but first we need votes to see if we can win. Please do not call the town about this, it is NOT EVEN in the works yet!

Help us reach the top 10 out of 17 clubs entered. VOTE DAILY at

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posted by Jeff C.

Jeff C. is a web developer in Central New Jersey that has a passion for helping folks get outside and explore NJ. He works on a few Outdoor-centric sites, including GetOutsideNJ, the NJ Outdoor Map, ExploringAllaire, and more. Please visit to learn more!


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